To complete your installation we propose this natural wood frames with crackle finish.
This wooden base is suitable for one element of our switches or plugs.
Modular construction principle allows up to four mechanisms to be mounted in multidimensional frames.
D: 96mm X 20mm
Nordic Masters - Altona Trade company that designs high-end furniture, lighting, switches and sockets. In our company, passion is at the heart of the company's philosophy.The models, with their varied and refined styles, harmonize with all types and styles of decoration - contemporary, design or vintage.
We have our own design, machining and assembly workshops where the products go through several stages.
Our furniture is handcrafted using the best materials.
All our lights, switches and sockets are handmade from metals:
copper, brass or aluminium.
71-75 Shelton street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom